BEPAPER is a short logo animation for the MultiMediaArt studies at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences which was realized within video post production class.
My concern was to represent the 3 main aspects of MMA:
- the connection between analogue and digital art
- low budget productions as a matter of fact
- the rural environment of FH Salzburg as a specific source of student creativity
Idea, Concept & Realisation:
Judith Landkammer
Sound Design:
Martin Klappacher
Making-of BEPAPER, pictures by Judith Landkammer
[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”101894625968590638249″ ualb=”5781816997308282017″ imgl=”fancybox” dltext=”Picasa” style=”floor” row=”9″ num=”9″ size=”110″ shadow=”1″ border=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″ nocredit=”1″]
Plasticine Post-Production (PPP)
Plasticine Post-Production is a clay animation done by Maxi Widmaier within video post production class.
Idea, Concept & Realisation:
Maximilian Widmaier
Sound Design:
Martin Klappacher
Post-production is part of filmmaking and the video production process. It occurs in the making of motion pictures, television programs,radio programs, advertising, audio recordings, photography, and digital art. It is a term for all stages of production occurring after the actual end of shooting and/or recording the completed work. …
Typically, the post-production phase of creating a film takes longer than the actual shooting of the film, and can take several months to complete because it includes the complete editing, color correction and the addition of music and sound. The process of editing a movie is also seen as the second directing because through the post production it is possible to change the intention of the movie. Furthermore through the use of color correcting tools and the addition of music and sound, the atmosphere of the movie can be heavily influenced. For instance a blue-tinted movie is associated with a cold atmosphere and the choice of music and sound increases the effect of the shown scenes to the audience.