Of Light & Shadow has been Greenlit!
2013-12-04 ~20:00 MET – Of Light & Shadow has been Greenlit. Hell Yeah! Speechless…

Spielehelden Podcast: Of Light & Shadow
Thomas Hauth aus Genf war von Of Light & Shadow so begeistert, dass er mit den Machern gleich den allerersten Teil seiner neuen deutschsprachigen Podcast-Reihe Spielehelden gestalten wollte. Wir (Thomas, Florian Jindra & meine Wenigkeit) haben uns dann mal per…

Retro Gaming: Star General
Thanks to the recent hype about Panzer Generals modern (online F2P) successors I was reminded of the gameplay-wise very similar Star General by the same developer (SSI) which I really liked to play about 15 or 16 years ago because…

Unity Award 2013 – Nominated!
I’m very proud to announce that Of Light & Shadow has been nominated as finalist for the Unity Award 2013 in the category Best Student Project! Wish us luck! Unity Award finalists display some of the best and brightest professional…

Chrome for Mobile + 404 Detection = Not Ideal
Recently I had an obscure incident with Chrome for Android and my WordPress blog/portfolio, which is secured with a plugin that does 404 intrusion detection among a lot of other great things. Chrome knew the URL of my blog but it…

Unity Turntable
Recently I had a brief discussion with a friend about showing game models in your portfolio and what would be the best way to do so. Of course I thought about the Unity Web Player, though the requirement of an…

The Grillmeister’s Headgear
As fans of Team Fortress 2, friends of mine finally came up with their own Steam Workshop item – The Grillmeister’s Headgear. It’s a hat in the form of a roasted chicken for the Pyro, definitely tastes delicious! I helped…

Of Light & Shadow on FireFlower Games
Of Light & Shadow has been listed as free download on FireFlower Games, an online shop for indie games founded in Stockholm/Sweden. FireFlower Games sells DRM-free games for Windows, Linux and Mac for direct download. We focus on indie games…

Content Award 2012
At the Content Award 2012 in Vienna Of Light & Shadow won the partner award sponsored by the Wien Holding GmbH. Absolutely great! Many thanks to our team and the sponsor of the award. [alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”108784046929513328549″ ualb=”5814350683386223137″ imgl=”fancybox” dltext=”Picasa”…

Game Developer Magazine Interview
Of Light & Shadow (12 Angry Devs) was featured in the November issue of the Game Developer Magazine! We were interviewed for the Student Game Profiles section of the magazine. Many thanks to Alexandra Hall (@alyxjanehall)! Download the complete interview.

Chance Find
Inspired by an article by the New York Times (via derStandard.at/Web) I googled myself anonymously to see what most other people would find if they searched my name. I found nothing surprising except one chance find. Some gadget-blogger used an…

Of Light & Shadow on Steam Greenlight
Of Light & Shadow is now on Steam Greenlight as well, please vote for it! What is Steam Greenlight? Steam Greenlight is a new system that enlists the community’s help in picking some of the next games to be released…

future.talk 2012 Webcast
A recording of the webcast of the future.talk 2012 held in the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria. Jared Cohen – 0:13:48 Slavoj Žižek – 0:26:02 Eli Pariser – 0:45:41 Discussion – 0:57:04 The Speakers Jared Cohen Director of “Google…