Chrome for Mobile + 404 Detection = Not Ideal
Recently I had an obscure incident with Chrome for Android and my WordPress blog/portfolio, which is secured with a plugin that does 404 intrusion detection among a lot of other great things. Chrome knew the URL of my blog but it didn’t know the URL to the wp-login.php login site. So every time I typed in a character, Chrome would try to preload a non existing page. Obviously this behavior generated a lot of 404 errors… Snippet of the log:
(2436, 2, 1357353582, '', 0, '', '/wp', '', '', NULL),
(2437, 2, 1357353584, '', 0, '', '/wp_', '', '', NULL),
(2438, 2, 1357353585, '', 0, '', '/wp_l', '', '', NULL),
(2439, 2, 1357353585, '', 0, '', '/wp_lo', '', '', NULL),
(2440, 2, 1357353585, '', 0, '', '/wp_log', '', '', NULL),
(2441, 2, 1357353586, '', 0, '', '/wp_logi', '', '', NULL),
(2442, 2, 1357353586, '', 0, '', '/wp_login', '', '', NULL),
(2443, 2, 1357353588, '', 0, '', '/wp_login.', '', '', NULL),
(2444, 2, 1357353588, '', 0, '', '/wp_login.p', '', '', NULL),
(2445, 2, 1357353588, '', 0, '', '/wp_login.ph', '', '', NULL);
After hitting a threshold of 10 the plugin banned my IP temporarily and I was locked out of my own website accidentally. It took me some time to identify what happened. I don’t know if such things are likely to happen often but it would be nice if Chrome for Mobile would act a little bit more intelligent in certain cases.
PS: Maybe preload web pages teamed up with predict network actions and they both did their magic…