Piratenkampf! Prototype
Piratenkampf! is a casual one vs. one player duel game which can be played against friends or AI. It’s playable cross-platform on browsers/mobile. You are a pirate captain stranded on a very small island and you want to sink your counterpart. Therefore you have to collect resources and combine them cleverly.
My Area of Responsibility
In addition to conceptual/game design and creating music/doing sound design, I was responsible for the implementation of game assets (technical artist) and some other aspects regarding the Unity game engine (optimization, testing, building).
Note: This is a marked and tablet optimized build of the game for showcase purpose only!
Tested on a Nexus 7 – Android 4.2.2 | Minimum system requirements: Android 2.3.3 – ARM7 processor
Play Piratenkampf! Prototype
Requires the Unity Web Player plugin (PC/Mac). For best graphics quality, right-click – Go Fullscreen.
Read Me – Important!
Multiplayer matches are fully working! The matches are hosted on the Unity Master Server.
Due to the fact that the project was abandoned rather quickly there are some bugs!
- If there’s no menu in the Unity Web Player please reload the tab/iframe!
- If you want to play two rounds or more in a row you have to reload/restart the whole game between every round! The “Back” button after a match has no functionality (Unity Web Player) or will quit the application (Android).
How to Play
Collect barrels with your boat and combine three of them at your island to get special abilities:
- Red = Cannon ball, strong shot
- Green = Shield aura for your island
- Blue = Boat gets faster
- Yellow = Better aim
- Grey = Joker barrel, can be used as every other color
If you want to get rid of a barrel from your island drag’n’drop it on your cannon to shoot it to your enemy. With this barrels you can trigger combos on your enemies island as well which will make him/her weaker (for a short time). To shoot simply do a vertical swipe, an arrow will indicate where you’ve aimed.
German Description
Bei Piratenkampf! handelt es sich um ein Mobilegame, das man über das Netzwerk gegen seine FreundInnen spielen kann. Im Spiel schlüpft man in die Rolle eines Piraten, der auf einer einsamen Insel gestrandet ist. Die einzigen Dinge, die er retten konnte, sind ein kleines Boot, eine Kanone und einige Holzfässer. Zu allem Überfluss ist der Erzfeind auf einer gegenüberliegenden Insel gestrandet. Das Ziel ist nun, die gegnerische Insel zu versenken, bevor die eigene Insel zerstört wird. Der/die SpielerIn hat nun zwei Hauptaufgaben. Zum einen muss er/sie versuchen mit Hilfe von den Fässern, die vor der eigenen Insel liegen, den/die GegnerIn anzugreifen. Zum anderen hat das Boot die Aufgabe weitere Fässer einzusammeln, die von den versenkten Piratenschiffen zwischen den beiden Inseln auftauchen.
- Karibische Seeschlachten
- 1 gegen 1 übers Netzwerk gegen Freunde spielen
- Plattformübergreifend: Android vs iPhone vs PC vs MAC möglich
- Karibisches Comic-Flair
- Comicartige Explosionen
- Intuitives Gameplay
Alexander Cerny, Philipp Huber, Franz Lanzendorfer: Game Design & Game Development; Malte Langkabel: 3D Art; Vedad Siljak: 2D Art; Andreas Stallinger: Game Design Support