Musikerziehung #1 Flyer
A flyer (and some designs) I created for my friend Adrian Held for the Musikerziehung #1 event which took place in September 2011 in Salzburg (Austria). Source of the vector graphics: QVectors [alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”101894625968590638249″ ualb=”5783200600785937361″ imgl=”fancybox” dltext=”Picasa” style=”floor” row=”9″ num=”9″ size=”110″ shadow=”1″ border=”1″…

Elektronikland 2011
My entry for the Elektronikland 2011 contest for electronic music. Slow but heavy breaks mixed with a modulated bassline and rather minimal tonal elements. German Description Hipstep ist ein relativ einfach und minimalistisch gehaltener Track, welcher sich der besten Elemente…

Voixtronik 2011
My entry for the 2011 Voixtronik remix contest. The track is a mashup of minimal electronic beats combined with processed yodeling. It was selected to take part in the contest finals. German Description Gatterer ist ein kurzes Experiment, bei dem…

Elektronikland 2009
My entry for the Elektronikland 2009 contest for electronic music. Glitch & Bass; Electronica; Experimental. Description (German) Microcosm soll den Zuhörer in einen Sound-Kosmos entführen, in dem kurze, abstrahierte Klänge den Ton angeben. Aufbauend auf solidem Breakbeat gepaart mit subtilen Glitch-Elementen lassen…

Voixtronik 2008
My entry for the 2008 Voixtronik remix contest. The track is a mashup of minimal electronic beats combined with processed yodeling. It was selected to take part in the contest finals. Press Release (German) Anlässlich des 100 Jahr- Jubiläums 2008 lud…